Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big Kids

Dylan had a well baby check and shots today, and Keilana had her preschool physical about two weeks ago.  As usual, they both handled their shots like pros.  Keilana just sat there and watched the nurse prick her finger for the iron check and then said, "Cool!" when the blood went into the little vial.  Then she watched calmly, if a bit more annoyed, when she stuck the needle into her little forearm for the TB test before asking, "Do I get a treat now?"

Dylan went with me today (no big sister along) for his shots.  He was very cooperative with Dr. Resa, but refused to give the doctor a smile when he was tickled while having his belly examined.  Finally, when Dr. Resa started squeezing his thighs and making jokes at him, Dylan gave in a broke a (small) smile.  Can't let anyone else think that they're in control, after all.  As soon as the doctor left the room, he demanded that I help him put his clothes back on (despite the easier access to his belly button, he just couldn't stand the indignity of being nude, apparently).  The nurse came back in to give him his DTap and Hep A shots.  He laid down on the table like he was asked and I grabbed his hands and leaned over just in case (he's freaky strong).  She gave him the first shot and he stayed still but just went "RRRrrrrr!" with a red face.  The nurse said, "Did something bite you?" and he nodded.  Then she asked, "What was it?" He shrugged and she said, "Was it an ant?"  To which he very bitterly replied, "Yeah."  Then she gave him the second shot and he got red-faced again and shouted, "Hey!"  

But all the was left was to put the second Band-Aid on, and by then he didn't care anymore and tried to ride the 5ft kangaroo outside the door while I paid for the appointment.  He eventually decided that the 5 1/2 foot giraffe was better built for riding.

Anyway, he weighs 34 pounds and measures 34.5 inches, which puts him in about the 12th percentile for height and the 87th for weight.  He is dense!  Not surprising, since he's very strong and not nearly as pudgy as you'd expect from a kid with those kinds of numbers.  Keilana currently measures 42.5 inches and 42 pounds, putting her in the 95th percentile for weight and the 90th for height.  Combine this with the fact that everyone else in her class in Mexican (I'm not kidding, she is the only white child in the classroom), and therefore on average somewhat short, and she looks like an Amazon!

1 comment:

Jen said...

And then there are my boys who take their clothes off 5-10 times a day (depending on how many times I can get clothes on them before I give up!)

Ironically, when we took Ben in a few weeks ago for his well-check, the only time he wasn't crying during the appointment was when he got the shot! He watched the nurse stick him and he stopped crying very abruptly with shock on his face. Then he got mad again.