Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nearly-5-year-old drama queens who scream because they're having a tiny bit of trouble getting their shirt on and then pound incessantly on the bedroom door when you shut them in and tell them to calm down are enough to make any mother say:

"Where did I go wrong?"

Deep breath.  Maybe a nap before playing at the fountains.  If this much fit-throwing is involved in the frustration of a troublesome shirt, imagine the fun we'll have next year when 90% of Kindergarten is done in Spanish.

Pray for us.


Callie said...

Oh the fits are so much fun!!! Kaden has already started them! Oh so fun! The teacher in me thinks that maybe you should try helping her to develop some coping skills (easier said than done for sure) like sitting down and taking deep breaths...counting (I'm assuming she can do some counting)...etc. It wasn't well into my adult life that I learned some of those skills and it would have been much easier on me had I learned them earlier.

Rebecca Susan said...

Oh, we're trying, believe me. If she's just frustrated, usually we have her count. If she can't do that, she is allowed to throw all the fit that she wants, so long as she stays in her room.

If she's doing it because she's mad at somebody, then she has to say a prayer to calm down and then count. That's been most effective thus far. Today was a rough day.

Callie said...

Being a parent is so tough sometimes! It is the most rewarding thing ever, but man you really pay for it some days! I hope otday is better! :)