Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm not getting enough sleep

So, while Kylie was down for her afternoon nap, I navigated Dylan to to work on his reading skills (or be read to by the computer, whatever) and laid down on the floor by the bed to play Cooties with Keilana.  We played 5 or 6 rounds, and then she wanted to show me the "coolest Cootie ever", but I wasn't allowed to peak until she was done.  So I obliged her and put my head down in my arms so she could work on said Cootie.  Some time later, I awoke as Doug walked into our bedroom and said, "Are you asleep?"  to my suspiciously prone self on the floor of our bedroom.  So there I am, Keilana no where to be found (apparently she gave up on me and went downstairs and put in a movie), surrounded by Cootie pieces with Dylan sitting at the desk half-naked playing computer games.  What a grade-A, gold star mom I must've appeared to my noble breadwinner. . . . .

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