Wednesday, July 1, 2009


1. Baby Stuff
Having now had three babies in what (by American standards) might be called a bit of a "minimalist" style, the cool things I want to get the next time I get pregnant:

*a boppy
*a jumperoo
*a super nice electric pump (seriously, I breastfeed exclusively in about the truest sense--Dylan only ever had a bottle about a dozen times, and Kylie's only had 3 or 4, why don't I have one of these already?)
*nursing bras (OK, so I had nursing bras with Dylan, but its one of those things I kept putting off shopping for, so here I am with my sixth month old and still nursing with my regular bras)
*crib mobile
*a new carseat (the plastic on mine has obvious weak spots now)
*a bigger car

And then, the things I will spend money on some day.  Probably after my house is mostly paid for and I no longer feel like I constantly smell like peanut butter:

*adorable, feminine clothing (that will not be covered with jelly spots and little sticky finger prints)
*inexpensive, fun, funky jewelry
*home decor (a la the list of paintings I'd like for my home, not one of which I'm going to get a framed print of for less than $250-$300)
*child-free vacations to locales that require a passport
*child-free vacation anywhere
*weekly date nights
*camera lenses
*bi-annual hair salon trips
*weekly professional massages
*ridiculously expensive presents for my grandchildren (if you hadn't already caught on, this is a long-term list)
*a trip to Italy with my mom and sisters to Pam's B&B. . .maybe a few side trips in Scotland and Paris

That's the bulk of it.  Perhaps I'll come back and add more as they come to me. . . . .


Nate and Annah Butterfield said...

Good to know what your baby wish list is! They try to sell you so much crap it's almost impossible to figure out what you ACTUALLY need! Any other suggestions of things one really needs? And I agree on every single one of your long term wish list! (Except I don't know what Pam's B&B is, but if it's in Italy, I'm sure I'd be a fan). Someday!

Callie said...

I don't know how you survived three children without a boppy!!! It is an essential if you are breastfeeding! I am with you on the electric breast pump. I had a manual one with Kaden and I would get so frustrated with it! That one's on my list too. As for nursing bras, that's all I own right now...even though I am no longer breastfeeding! I can't find a regular bra to fit the nursing ones stay. Some day.

I might suggest you add a Miracle Blanket on your list too! It is the best, most amazing swaddling blanket ever! We received one as a gift and I actually had to wean Kaden off of it! It was one of the best presents we ever received!

Becky said...

it's funny...but with both kids, my "essentials" list got smaller. luckily my mother liked to get married and so i had lots of "parents" with lots of gifts to give - so i had a lot of the extra stuff and most of it is bunk. your list is good though. my jaw hit the floor when i saw that you didn't have nursing bras...but then again, you don't have my boobs either - so probably not as much of a priority. and for your grown up list - camera lenses...ahhhh...still dreaming. bb