Thursday, January 15, 2009

Non-phone pics

The last several pictures I've posted have been with taken with my phone, so I thought I'd get some with a real camera!  Its much easier to take pictures with.
My trio of strawberry haired monsters.  They're both shouting, "Moooommmmmyyy!"
He likes his baby sister. Most of the time.
Believe it or not, I do fix Keilana's hair everyday.  And everyday, as soon as she gets home she pulls it all out and unbraids it!

I suspect that she's going to look the most like me of any of them so far. . .we shall see. . . .


...Laura... said...

Her eyes are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I really like the first one of her alone.

Christa said...

This might sound weird, but I definitely see a family resemblance between her and Alexa, she's just a little cheekier. =)

Sam and Kurtis said...

So i thought she wasn't gonna have red hair. i guess all your babies will. I think in one of the pics on your face book she looks so much like doug but has your lips. Which suprised me becuase i've thought the whole time she looks like you. maybe you two just have so many simular traits that its hard to tell.

Becky said...

you're going to have one of those families where everyone has the same face...what am I saying, i'm from one of those families...they're way too cute and she seems freakishly calm and composed for such a newby...