Monday, February 23, 2009

Dylan is 3!

I really can hardly believe my little boy is 3.  I have these moments every few weeks where I just stop and go "I have three kids.  My oldest is in preschool. My little boy is talking and climbing and knows the alphabet.  How did that happen?"

Dylan had a good birthday party.  We don't do big shindigs with our little clan--kids are so easily pleased, I have to admit I don't understand the ginormous parties for such little people (the exception being ginormous families, of course, where you just invite over the cousins and all of a sudden there are 25 kids there).  Grandma and Grandpa came over of course, and brought Rachel.  Paul and Christa came down as well, and I was glad, because Dylan LOVES Keith.  Seriously.  He asks for him regularly.  Keith is just as rough and tumble as the Tank, so they're a good match for each other.  

Dylan very much enjoyed the cake and chips.  I had to make a Porterville run in the morning, so I left Dylan here with Daddy and took the girls with me.  Apparently, Doug came downstairs at one point to check on Dylan who was running/dancing all over the living room, obviously very pleased with himself.  When Doug asked him what he was doing, he happily exclaimed: "I ate it! I ate it!"  Note the photo of his cake below.  He LOVES anything that flies, so I made him a very crude airplane.  His two gifts from us were an Iron Man action figure (we just had to replace his beloved but long lost Burger King toy) and Kung Fu Panda, so he's spent the last two days alternating between flying Iron Man around, doing a little high-skill Kung Fu, and driving the little remote control train from Zoran and Azia-Rain.  It was a very good birthday.

This is Doug's favorite picture from the whole day.  He's very proud of having taken it.

Isn't Alexa a pretty little girl?  I guess you can't see her face very well in this pic--but take my word for it, she's a doll!

Keith helped Dylan check out all his presents.  You know, make sure they were working OK.  2 year olds are generous like that.

Yaya got Dylan some cool binoculars.  Another one of his many mini-obsessions.  He loves binoculars and magnifying glasses.

Mimi got him this soccer ball, which was convenient since two nights previous he had turned to Doug out of the blue and said, "Daddy, I want a soccer ball"

Annie, Keilana and Dylan take in some Kung Fu action and Sun Chips while the grown ups were over at McDermont taking the requisite you're-at-our-house-you've-got-to-go-over-and-see-it tour.

I love that he lunges when he sword fights.  Cracks me up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy late Birthday Dylan! Looks like it was fun. Great job on the cake!!!