Monday, May 26, 2008

Tag! You're it!

I've been away from the computer for a while, and just realized that Sam tagged me in her last blog, so here goes.

Here's how to play:  List 3 joys, 3 of your fears, 3 of your goals, 3 current obsessions/collections and 3 random, surprising facts about yourself.  At the end of your post, tag 5 more people.

3 Joys:
1.  Rainy days spent cuddled up inside reading books or watching movies.  There is something so cozy and delightful about an overcast sky and the steady drip of rain when you're all snuggled up in the warmth inside.  Same goes for quiet, still, snowy days.
2.  Being in the mountains--somehow the dirt and pine needles under foot and the smell of pine and fir trees and a crackling campfire always puts me immediately at ease.  Maybe its the lack of other smells, other sounds.  Walking in the woods makes my heart happy.
3.  A sleeping baby--whether my own or one I've momentarily borrowed.  The best sleep medicine in the world is holding a peaceful, sleeping baby on your chest and sitting in a comfortable rocking chair.  With a silent, cherubic little baby all cuddled up on me, I can't not be happy.

3 Fears
1.  Chipping teeth.  I'm always paranoid about the thought of running into things or tripping and chipping my teeth again.  I also have an irrational fear of my children running into coffee tables, bars on the playground, etc, and chipping their own teeth.
2.  Car wrecks.  Every time I see someone blow through a stoplight or stop sign or pass in a stupid way or place, it makes me edgy for the rest of the day.  I hate driving hwy 137 because it seems to be populated with the world's stupidest truck drivers and I am nearly hit by some idiotic  semi-truck driver on a fairly regular basis.
3.  Losing one of my children.   When we are in a public place, particularly if its crowded, I nearly panic if I suddenly lose sight of one of the kids even for a moment.  Flying with my kids if very nerve-wracking for me, but not because of them.  My mind starts racing with thoughts of who could be in the airport and where they might be headed, and I rarely take my hands off the kids during lay overs because of that.

3 Goals
1.  Read my scriptures daily.  I used to do it in the morning, perhaps I should try that again. I always think I'm going to do it after the kids go to bed and its nice and quiet in the house, but all too frequently I fail to because I'm so tired and brain dead by then.
2. Clean my blinds.  Because of our proximity to major roads, all the big trucks in and out across the road for the construction of McDermont, and the railroad and packing houses, we get a lot of dust.  My blinds desperately need to be cleaned, and it is one of the only chores I hate worse than laundry.  
3.  Get Dylan potty-trained by summer's end.  I don't know how this will be accomplished, since it's already almost June and he seems to have zero interest.  But somehow I will make it happen--I will figure out a way!
3 current obsessions/collections.
1. Hot Wheels.  It is difficult for me to pass a checkout stand and not purchase a small car or two.  Dylan's collection of cars steadily grows much bigger than it ever need be because he has passed his obsession on to me.
2. Trains.  Again, this is an adopted obsession.  At first I thought Doug's train fixation was kind of funny, but I'm afraid the longer it goes on, the more interested I become and on our weekend trip to Tahoe, we drove up to the Nevada State Railroad museum in Carson City at my request.  There is just something very cool about trains and railroads and they have a fascinating and colorful history.
3.  Orson Scott Card.  I've liked him since the first time I read Ender's Game as an 8th grader, but I've come to enjoy his fiction so much that lately its all I want to read (yes, me, the girl who always spoke of sci-fi with great disdain).  I also enjoy his online essays and reviews.  I wish I were intelligent enough to command the kind of skill that he does.  At any rate, I enjoy that he gets the wheels turning in my own head, even if they'll never turn as fast as the ones in his.

3 Random, surprising facts about myself
1.  I can curl the third toe of my right foot without curling any of my other toes.  It has been speculated that this is perhaps due to tendon damage incurred during multiple bad ankle sprains on that foot.  Can't say for sure, since I can't remember if I had this ability before the sprains or not.
2. I like both bugs and lizards, with the exceptions being cockroaches and horseflies.  This doesn't surprise many guys, but women often find it odd.  But I enjoy catching bugs and checking them out and photographing them.  I find the insect world endlessly fascinating.
3. I have a somewhat subversive sense of humor and often don't deal well with authority.  That is something about myself I have always tried to conceal, but its true.  I have trained myself to respect genuine, righteous authority and even to hold it sacred, but I still have very emotionally (and occasionally physically) violent response to what I perceive as unjust authority or abuse of authority.  

Ok, I tag. . .um. . .the Clark girls I suppose.  Looks like Sam already tagged everybody else I would tag.


Christa said...

you missed 3 goals...=)

Rebecca Susan said...

3 goals added!