So I turned 25 today. Quarter century. Its strange: somehow, in spite of the car payment, mortgage and three kids, this whole "grown up" thing just kind of snuck up on me. Its bizarre how I still sometimes forget I'm older than recent college grads and returned missionaries. Someday I'm gonna wake up and look in the mirror, realize I'm 37, have a high school senior at home and be completely mystified as to how it happened.
So, 25 things I've done in 25 years. I did a list similar to this for my birthday a few years back, so if you read that one, some of this will be a repeat.
*Been married in the temple, and done work in the Cardston, Laie, Billings, Spokane, Salt Lake and Fresno temples (and attended sealings in the Bountiful and Reno temples).
*Brought three amazing kids that I don't deserve into the world (and am doing my best to raise them).
*Attended two plays at the Kennedy Center (The King and I, Company)
*Been hiking and/or backpacking in the Rockies, the Sierras, the backcountry of Oahu, and various southern Utah desert locations.
*Been bodyboarding at Pipeline Beach and watched national surf competitions at Sunset Beach, Oahu.
*Been to the top of the Empire State building
*Stood at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial at night, staring across to the Washington Monument and pondered the accomplishments of those who have come before me, and the importance of Divine assistance.
*Gone skydiving over the north shore of Oahu at sunset (I know I mention this a lot, but oh! such beauty)
*Donated a total of 4 feet of hair to cancer patients.
*Dressed my grandmother's body for her funeral, helped prepare her eulogy, and sang at the service.
*Gone horseback riding in the foothills of the Missions.
*Attended a formal reception at the Library of Congress
*Stood in Liberty Jail and on the temple grounds of Far West and Independence and felt a confirming witness of great truths.
*Helped move and brand cattle
*Walked under the Golden Gate Bridge.
*Seen the rubble of the World Trade Center
*Spent 21 months of my life (so far) breastfeeding.
*Hiked just over 3,000 feet of elevation gain in just over 3 miles 8 weeks after giving birth to my first child. And did most of it barefoot.
*Completed half a college degree and occasionally wondered when I'll get to the other half.
*Helped put my husband through graduate school while caring for an infant/toddler and being pregnant with my second baby.
*Flown by myself with two children under the age of 4 twice.
*Camped in the San Juan Islands
*Made my own ribbon dress, 8th grade graduation dress, fleece jacket, and two prom dresses (all with varying degrees of help from my mom)
*Been rafting down a few of Montana's beautiful rivers.
*Learned to hula, use poi balls, and shake those mad Tahitian hips.
OK, so I confess, I stopped to count and realized I had WAY more than 25 and had to delete some (such lists can get tedious for the reader, you know), but these are some of my favorite highlights of the last 25 years, anyway. Happy birthday to me:)