Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waiting. . .

Curses. Still pregnant. Part of me really, really hopes that she'll stay put until my mom gets here so that Yaya can meet her right away. The rest of me is simply screaming, "GET OUT ALREADY!" I feel like a whale. Everything hurts, but this week I just decided that if I'm going to be physically miserable either way, then by golly I'm going to be productive and at least not be psychologically miserable. I have found that I simply cannot understand people who are content to loaf about in life (at least for more than a week). Accomplishing so little on a daily basis the last few weeks has made me absolutely insane! I don't generally think of myself as a busy person (if you watch people like my mom or my sister or a few of my incredibly multi-tasking friends, it seems like my days are rather simple), but I really hate feeling unproductive. I'm looking forward to moving with ease and lifting heavy things and being able to run. I've kind of run out of space for my lungs, so I'm actually looking forward to being able to take a full breath. As most of you know, I have a tendency to talk way too fast at times, and if I do that right now, I get a little winded. Even if I'm just sitting down. Super, super annoying. So walking to the park with the kids is a fair amount of work, and I just find that irritating. I'm looking forward to being me again soon!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I'm hoping that that baby has finally made an arrival.