Thursday, November 20, 2008

Parent-Teacher Conf and Baby Shower

I had my first parent teacher conference as a parent today (that's still a little weird).  Sounds like Keilana is doing very well at school.  Her teacher said her basic math and reading skills are excellent, and her social skills are even better.  Apparently they get to see the real Keilana--she was described as talkative, enthusiastic and fun.  She loves the playhouse, spending a lot of time on make-believe (and apparently assigning her friends roles--yes, this was a polite way of saying she's a little bossy).  She follows direction very well and seldom needs correction (and I can tell from the tone of her teacher's voice when she told me this as well as from the 10-15 minutes I spend in the classroom before school everyday that this a trait they very, very much appreciate).  I was so glad to hear that she opened up and they get to see the same joyful little girl that I see everyday.

Tonight, a couple of friends of mine threw me a baby shower.  It was a lot of fun, and everyone (including a few friends who weren't able to make it but thoughtfully sent presents anyway) was very, very generous.  It was pretty funny to look around the room, because Emily and Angie--who threw the shower for me and are sisters--are both pregnant, due in January and February, respectively, and Amanda and I were sitting there looking like we were about to pop.  And then Christa, with her beautiful 4-day old daughter.  It was a very baby-centric baby shower. :)  It was nice to spend an evening with friends and family, just talking and laughing and relaxing (without our kids!).  Ellen made it, which I was glad for.  She's Doug's cousin, and seems very sweet (and by all accounts is), so I love having opportunities to get to know her a bit better.   Just a couple quick highlights from the evening:

Keilana was an excellent present assistant, fetching the presents for me and helping me open them.  She reminded me several times that they were Kylie's presents, not mine.
I see pictures like this and it helps me feel a bit justified about how uncomfortable I feel.  And doesn't Alexa look cute?
I like pictures from the front. . .I don't look nearly so massively pregnant.
And the reason I brought the camera. . .wanted a few pictures of Alexa.  Isn't she a pretty little thing?  Only 4 days old and already out partying with the girls.  The second picture is pretty good, but I'm not sure who took it.  Rachel, maybe?


Jen said...

It looks like you had fun! I wish I could have been there! CHRISTMAS!!! I'm getting SO EXCITED!!! And thanks for adding more pics of Alexa online...she's a beautiful baby! I'm glad Christa's doing well enough she could be there!

Jen said...

P.S. I really like the way you've decided to spell Kylie.

Becky said...

Hello - I'm so sorry I missed your shower - it was posted on my door and everything...crazy week. You really do look ready to pop - but glowing and happy...I hope it happens soon for you and that you recover quickly. I'll have to make it over to lindsay and drop off your present. All the best - becky

Callie said...

You look absolutely beautiful!!! Seeing you pregnant makes me miss being pregnant...then I remember all the aches, pains, and swelling. Hmmm yeah, I think I'll wait. :) So glad you had such a great shower.

I'm also glad to hear that your little one is doing so well in school. Isn't it wonderful to get glowing reports about your kids?