Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh, the drama

Kylie had her twelve month check up and shots today. Her head is 17.75 inches (the 50th percentile), she is exactly 30 inches tall (the 75th percentile) and she weighs 24 pounds even (about the 85th percentile). She is quite healthy--strong little ball of pudge, with good reflexes and hitting all her milestones: waves bye-bye, walks well (and climbs even better), gets lids off of things, says a couple of words ("Mama" and "wow"), etc., etc.

She handled her shots just fine (except that we held off on getting her vaccinated for chicken pox--apparently she can't be around anyone who is undergoing chemotherapy for two weeks after getting the shot), crying angrily while she was stuck with the needle, and stopping immediately once the band aid was on. But she cried at the MA the whole time she tried to do measurements. She screamed at Dr. Resa pretty much the whole time he was doing the exam. I was just sitting there thinking, "Oh, please, child--I'm 2 feet away!" But this kid cried when strangers held her by the time she was 8 weeks old. Obviously that says a lot about her attachment and her shyness, but sometimes I wonder what does that say about her awareness? A two-month-old shouldn't know, even instinctively, what a "stranger" is. Oh, sure, they know Mama's face and smell and sometimes will want her in particular, but for the most part out-of-sight, out-of-mind and whatever face is in her place is just fine. That's how my older two (and every other baby I've ever known) were. Its gotten worse since she hit the traditional separation anxiety age, but my my, its always been a problem. My other two had their moments--certainly Keilana was attached (still is) and it was hard to go to work every day, but she was always easy to leave with a sitter. Dylan cried maybe two or three times, total, ever, about me leaving him.

But I watch Kylie watch her brother and sister and how she "gets" some of their games and tries to join in. It makes me wonder what the little wheels turning in her head are up to. It makes me wonder what she'll be like as she grows into her personality a bit more. Mostly it makes me wonder what I've gotten myself into. Then I sigh. Then I turn and look at Dylan and sigh again. Then I look at Keilana, and she notices that I'm looking, and flashes me one of those ginormously cheesy Keilana smiles and I start to laugh, and she starts to laugh, and Dylan starts to laugh and Kylie starts giggling. . . . .

1 comment:

Sara Ison said...

Ha ha my son is five months old and is already a pound shy of weighing as much at your one year old! I think that'd be bittersweet having a kid who only wanted Mamma. My son is the opposite, I swear sometimes after being cooped up with me all day he is just dying to look at a new face! I know this because he'll get to the point where he cries over everything and I go down the list..check for dirty diaper, check. Is he tired? No. Does he want to nurse? No. Does he just want some Noah time alone? No. And it goes on until I realize NOTHING I do is going to stop his crying, so in comes Gramma, or Uncle, or ANYBODY, and the crying stops completely and he's back to being happy again. Ouch.