Friday, July 25, 2008

So much for a Saturday off. . . .

I didn't work last Saturday.  I had suggested to Doug that it was about time for a hiking trip with Brad (Albert, his coworker, not his brother) and he agreed, so he got my supervisor to reassign my shift for Saturday since I was supposed to work most of the day.  Before that, I had worked 8 Saturdays in a row, with the exception of the one Saturday I was out of the state.  Its rare that I don't work on Saturday, and frequently I work both Friday night and Saturday.

This week I wasn't scheduled for either Friday or Saturday.  But, as luck would have it, they got the Flo-rider installed and up and running this week.  It opens officially next Friday, so they want someone at McDermont all weekend fielding calls about it.  So I'm working a full day tomorrow. And next week I work Tuesday night, Thursday night, Friday night and all Saturday afternoon.  And we have mutual Wednesday night.

None of this would be a very big deal, as I don't mind working and even only working a couple days a week, I've managed to pay for the our trip to Montana, and half the midwife's bill for the baby (which should be paid off completely by late September--a full two months before baby's arrival!), which makes it possible to commit more of Doug's check every month to wiping out debt.  The problem is, Doug is at work all day every day during the week, and fairly frequently into the evening.  Then I'm gone most of the weekend--thank goodness for Sundays!!  Even that is manageable and tolerable, because when we are home, neither one of us generally does much besides play with the kids and spend time with each other.  

No, the only real problem--the aggravating thing--is that I don't remember being this exhausted with either of my first two pregnancies.  I mean, yes, at the beginning and at the very end, but not straight through middle.  No matter how much sleep I manage to get, I'm still always tired.  No matter how much or how little exercise I do, I'm still worn out.  Of course, I guess during my last two pregnancies I didn't have a 2 year old and a 4 year old, a job, a very busy calling or most of the other social and financial obligations I have now.  That could be part of it.  When I was pregnant with Keilana I was newly married, had to walk everywhere (we didn't have a car), was working part time and going to school full time (including a couple of three hour labs every week), and I was tired, but I never felt quite as drained as I do these days.  I told Doug the other night that they need to make pep pills that are safe for pregnancy.  I've tried drinking caffeinated soda from time to time, but more often than not all that does is give me Restless Leg Syndrome and make me a little crazy.

I was going to keep working until Thanksgiving week (just about a week before my due date), but I may have to quit sooner than that to preserve my sanity.  Halloween, perhaps. . . . . . . . .

1 comment:

Kirby and Logan Hoffer said...

Maybe its 3rd pregnancy syndrome? lol I feel the same way this time...however I look back and I don't work near as much as I did with kieona or zaiden but I do have 5 kids that I run after? I dunno, could also be my vitamin deficiencies as I still am very limited to what I can eat...Hope you start feeling better!