Wednesday, February 4, 2009


OK, someday I'll blog about something besides babies again, but for now its what you get.  Yesterday morning I watched Claire while Amanda went to the gym, and her and Kylie took a nap together on the couch.  It was too cute to pass up.  For those who don't know Amanda (Doug's sister) and I have the twin babies:  Clayton and Keilana born almost exactly 2 months apart; Conner and Dylan, born three days apart; and Kylie and Claire, born 3 days apart.  Kylie looks massive in this photo next to her pretty, petite little cousin. :)

Keilana takes a lot of pictures.  Most of them end up being deleted before downloading (we only need so many pictures of Keilana taken by. . .Keilana), but she gets some pretty good ones, too.  Every now and then she gets one I love.  She snapped this one this morning while I was chatting with Kylie (and Kylie was very happy to be chatted at!)  She's a happy baby :)


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! Thanks!

The Green Blog said...

That last pictures is like she's saying "Thanks mom I know I"m so cute you can't resist!"