Friday, March 20, 2009

I complain too much

lately about other people and their problems (or mindsets I have trouble comprehending), about old habits that won't die, about my kids, about other people's kids.  About feeling emotionally spent (what right do I have?  how easy is my life?).  I've lost the ability lately to have "lite" conversations, about fun stuff, about little things in life.  I need to work on that.  This negativity just won't do.

I want to be that Becky that Hayley remembers.  I want to be that person that makes one of my closest friends laugh uproariously when she hears me say something rude or judgmental about another person because, "You're Becky.  You just don't do that."  I can be that person again.  I must be that person again.  I've been lazy.

I'll tuck away that note to read to myself every few days to remind myself I want to be the person he thinks I am.  Wish me luck.  

Love to all, 

1 comment:

Sam and Kurtis said...

i know what you mean. But i think at some point in life you have to be that way for if nothig else to get it all out. i wouldn't worry to much about it unless its making you feel rather bad. Then that just means its time your body wants to be happy and light again.