Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ok, Christa, here's a good example

of what I was talking about the other day.  Christa and I were IMing each other about our weight loss progress/goals the other day and I was lamenting my strange build and big cheeks.  In the picture:
(its a little hard to tell with all the hair) I'm pretty thin.  But notice the bigness/broadness of my shoulders and the roundness of my cheeks.  This was about 3 weeks before my 18th birthday, and I was about 35-40 pounds thinner than I am now.  Still, those broad shoulders are far less unattractive when I'm thin.  :(


Christa said...

We can do it! I've almost hit 10 lbs. . .almost.

Callie said...

Oh yes, the good ol' days. I look at pictures of myself from high school and college and think, "Dang, I was skinny!!!" I honestly thought I was fat at the time. If only I could have shown my young self a picture of my old self and maybe I would have appreciated what I had when I had it. I was 25 lbs lighter back then. Sigh...I look at my Kaden and I think, "Yes, I am way heavier now, but I have a beautiful baby is okay. I'll lose that weight again...hopefully"